Instagram Pics To Facebook (And Timeline)

How To Post Full Size Instagram Pics To Facebook And Timeline

Instagram Pics To Facebook (And Timeline)
Instagram Pics To Facebook (And Timeline)

The cool news is that when you subconsciously want something and a startup responds to your (unvoiced) requests. Well, mobile photosharing app Instagram has just made a very small tweakthat has the potential for huge growth: You can now send your Instagram photos full size to Facebook, and they automatically display “beautifully” in your Facebook Timeline.

Photos shared from Instagram will appear in your Timeline with the original caption that you posted on Instagram, as well as a link to the public Instagram URL.

All photos posted from Instagram will end up in a special “Instagram photos” Facebook album, and you can share past photos full size by following the instructions here.

This is why this matters: Facebook users can reshare a photo posted on the their friend’s Timeline, therefore increasing Instagram’s reach to people outside the app and the potential of Facebook’s 800 million user base (it’s almost like Facebook is functioning here as an ad hoc web interface, no?).

Already I’ve gotten way more engagement on the first full size photo I’ve posted than any other Instagram share in the past.

Instagram has 15 million users presently, and both an Android app and video are coming according to reports. Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom wouldn’t give me a specific ETA on either.

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