Online Learning with Artificial Intelligence

# Online Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays we are observing that the education costs on rising day by day. The higher education cost sometimes every student couldn’t effort it so the student carries the extra load of deciding the right college and school of themself. The earlier generation the adult student and post-graduation students are searching for alternatives of full-time, on-campus programs, but the universities rarely offer off-campus or distance education options.

The distance learning programs have existed since the 1980s, but technological innovation, creation, planning, and smartphones have enabled the online degree program and learning program to become a reasonable option for ambitious students. Today, the education system becoming the marketing strategy and the promise of the fall made by degree factory and unaccredited for profits of school and universities. Today the bachelor’s and master students use virtual programs that can help them to pass the exam and saving the tuition fee, 25-30% of students are qualifying their exam with online learning programs.

The Banifits of Artificial Intelligence:

We need to improve our current learning module in which the teacher is the originator of knowledge and the student is the beneficiary, we have to reimagine the part of a teacher in the university system. We have to start to take advantage of Automated Assignment Grading and remote monitoring services for a tutor, go without repeated and dedication in their work with time management. The student saves their time to higher-value work. For those students who don’t succeed in the classroom setting, an Artificial intelligence-enabled learning management system can open a study to classify individuals into distinct leaning buckets, which can provide give successful and targeted content that fits with each learning style. This platform can also break down full- time lectures and large reading and making assignments into shorter than, atomic components that are easy to understand.

It’s more beneficiary for international students to whom difficult to understand teacher language and then they convert the lecture their native language. The aim of AI is to create deep-learning system technology that can translate English lectures into students’ native language so that they can easily understand. Similar technologies in voice recognition and text summarization can copy out a complete lecture with perfect accuracy and with minimum paragraphs of text into just important contents for review.

Machine learning algorithms can similarly be deployed over a course curriculum to flag areas of bias, complexity, and ambiguity for closer review by the instructor. The climb is slow, but students, teachers, and administrations will no doubt reap the benefits of AI as it evolves and matures over the next decade. 

Keyword: Online Learning with Artificial Intelligence, benefits of artificial intelligence, new technology for learning, how to minimum learning system.

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